Data Science and AI

We help businesses use Data Science and AI to create value.

Our teams of engineers, analysts, and scientists fit seamlessly into your in-house teams to cover jobs that you would like to outsource, or we can build and deploy entire solutions bespoke to your business from scratch

Reach out to learn how AI can transform your business.

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Why Aya Data

Our mission is to attract and train the brightest data science minds in Africa. Our team
use the latest technology and academic theory to solve problems and deliver value affordably, unlocking the potential of AI for more businesses globally.

ML Ops as a Service

ML-Ops-as-a-service involves a collection of methodologies that support
efficient, cost-effective, and dependable management of ML models. Aya
Data is here to support businesses and organizations with the end-to-end
process of training, tuning, and deploying models, from data collection to
training and CI/CD.

Our ML Ops process has three main stages:

  • Designing and training the model application
  • Development, experimentation, and optimization
  • Deployment, operation, and monitoring
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bespoke ai solutions, two girls and dogs walking on the street

Bespoke AI Solutions

Aya Data offers full-stack machine learning (ML) solutions, from data
collection through to training and deployment.

Our team can build bespoke models across the full spectrum of ML, including:

  • Computer Vision Models
  • Natural Language Processing Models
  • Classical and Statistical Models
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a smiling businessman stands in front of an interactive whiteboard and explains the material

Business Intelligence

Aya Data can help you build and deploy sophisticated machine learning
algorithms, statistical techniques, and predictive models to analyze your
data and uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations.

We can help with the following BI activities:

  • Data Processing and Visualisation
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Diagnostic Analytics
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Our Commitments to Our Clients

Our four pillars of commitment to our clients are based on years of experience of what gets
models into production the fastest and with the best results.

Our Commitments to Our Clients

Our four pillars of commitment to our clients are based on years of experience of what gets
models into production the fastest and with the best results.

Our Commitments to Our Clients

Our four pillars of commitment to our clients are based on years of experience of what gets
models into production the fastest and with the best results.

Our Commitments to Our Clients

Our four pillars of commitment to our clients are based on years of experience of what gets
models into production the fastest and with the best results.


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We follow the highest standards of data security and are GDPR and SOC 2 compliant. For sensitive projects, we provide dedicated high-security Clean Rooms.

The only way to exceed expectations is to understand them in real-time. Effective communication is vital to effectively complete projects which is why you will always have an open line of communication with us.

Quality is defined by you and delivered by us. Once KPIs are set, we iterate our workflow to deliver the results that you need to get the most out of your model.

Delays cost money so efficiency is our highest priority. We operate with 20% slack at all times to ensure you have the data to meet your deadlines.

Data Science and AI Case Studies

field with a tree

Combining Soil Acidity Data with Product Sales to Create Unique Business Intelligence


Demeter, an agricultural inputs supplier that operates in West Africa, specializes in working with smallholder farmers to enhance crop yields using primarily organic fertilizers. In order to optimize their product offers and serve the needs of their customers, Demeter sought to utilize open-source

Leveraging Drones and AI to Increase the Efficiency and Decrease Risk in Reforestation Projects


Oko Environmental, a reforestation company dedicated to combating climate change by establishing indigenous forests in West Africa, intended to utilize drones and machine learning solutions to gather valuable data and insights

Digitizing African Healthcare Data for a More Equitable Future in Medicine


Many businesses in Africa still rely on paper-based records. Often, this leads to slow and cumbersome processes and the information is limited, hindering the possibility to make data-driven decisions. Accurate and accessible information is nowhere as important as in the healthcare system…

drone flying

Using AI and Drones to Create Precision Agricultural Systems for Commercial Farming


Managing large-scale commercial farms necessitates a lot of progress tracking and repetitive tasks, in addition to being manually overwhelming. However, crop management systems powered by drone-fed computer vision models are a solution to the traditional system of manual data collection, while improving data accuracy and providing valuable insights into farming operations.

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Building a Model to Rapidly Identify Disease in Ghana’s Maize Plants


Maize is one of the most important crops for Ghana’s agricultural industry; there have been significant, largely successful, investments into finding solutions to increase yields over the years. However, maize diseases still pose a significant challenge for maize farmers and communities.

data and code

Building African Language Voicebots to Enable Better B2C Interactions


AI chatbots and voicebots have become some of the most efficient and cost-effective tools for increasing customer satisfaction. These tools can provide quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries, lowering the workload of customer support teams, reducing response times, and enabling 24-hour customer support. Consequently, many businesses have rapidly started implementing these tools.