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Transforming Tree Counting for Large-Scale Farming

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Large Scale Banana Plantation

Large-scale banana plantation

The large-scale oil palm plantation and the orderly rows of banana trees might look serene, but their management presents complex challenges. 

From overseeing the hectares of plantation to keeping an eye on the dying plants and restoring the health of wilted ones to manually keeping a count of the trees, numerous problems can arise. 

Manual labor and traditional methods not only waste resources but also require more time. Plus, there is always room for inaccuracy.

Such challenges in the industry have left many plantation managers searching for a more efficient solution.

But what is an effective way to count and monitor each tree for maximum productivity? Innovative tree-counting solutions can offer precise alternatives to these inefficient and time-consuming old ways.


The Importance of Accurate Tree Inventory

Trees located in dense forest areas
Trees located in dense forest areas



Not knowing the number of trees and their exact condition are some of the hurdles of running large farms. 

Take oil palm plantations, for instance. Newly planted trees, when young, are more vulnerable. Therefore, you need to monitor them constantly if you want to maximize the productivity of your farm. 

If some trees don’t make it, knowing right away means you can replant them quickly and keep your future yields on track. 

For banana growers, heavy winds can knock down plants, and knowing when this happens helps field scouts provide support exactly where it’s needed. 

But accurate tree counting goes beyond knowing numbers. For a better yield, you need to consider your farm’s health. So, the formula for a healthier farm is self-explanatory: the healthier your farm is, the more yield it will produce.

According to Penn State Extension, an accurate inventory of trees “is a prerequisite in planning for and making sound management decisions, including budget strategies and priorities.” 

Detailed information on tree numbers, health, height, and crown width is crucial for making informed decisions. It helps you allocate resources efficiently and avoid waste while maximizing productivity. 

Challenges In Manual Tree Counting

Manual tree counting on a large-scale farm
Manual tree counting on a large-scale farm


Think about a well-spread-out farm and the thousands of planted trees. Walking from one corner of the farm to another takes several minutes. Now, imagine having to count every tree manually. 

Besides the time it consumes, consider the physical effort. For better management, you’d have to employ more labor as this process is excruciatingly exhausting. 

Large-scale farms require counting trees across thousands of hectares, which takes several months. This delay means that the data collected is often outdated by the time it’s fully processed.

For example, if 50 trees wilted at the time of counting, the number may increase to 100 by the time the data is processed. These inaccuracies render the effort of manual labor useless.

Additionally, this tree-counting process requires utilizing resources. Many plantations can only afford to do this once a year, which leads to a lack of timely information. 

Adding to the complexity, manual counts require more than numbers. Tree attributes like crown width, height, and precise location are required for monitoring growth. Manually recording these details can be tedious and prone to errors. 

Issues With Current Solutions

Despite the advances in agriculture technology, farmers continue to face hurdles with tree counting. Here are some key issues.  

Inaccuracy of satellite-based solutions. Tree counting with satellite imagery is generally seen as a reliable method. However, its precision is often compromised, especially for smaller crops. Studies show that mountainous terrain may cause

  • distortions in satellite images. Likewise, lighting conditions and weather variations can obscure parts of the imagery. As such, relying solely on satellite images may not give you the needed accuracy.   
  • Manual effort in drone-based solutions. While drones offer high-resolution images, numerous existing solutions still require manual counting for these images. Think about it – spending weeks manually counting trees in vast fields; it’s a tedious and labour-intensive process. 
  • Resource and time intensive. Both satellite and manual drone counting methods are resource hogs. They take a lot of time and manpower, so most farmers only count trees once a year. These annual counts often miss sudden changes due to disease or weather, leaving them scrambling to catch up. 
  • Limited accessibility for medium-sized farms. High-tech solutions are usually priced for bigger plantations, making it unaffordable for medium-sized farms. As such, many medium-sized farms defer to basic counting methods because fancy tech is way too expensive. This means having inaccurate and out-dated data, which isn’t great for business. 

How AI-Driven Solutions Address These Challenges

Tree counting enhanced by AI precision agriculture and crop-scouting drones
Tree counting enhanced by AI precision agriculture and crop-scouting drones


AI-driven solutions are changing the game for plantations. They provide innovative ways to tackle the challenges of manual tree counting. Here’s how. 

  • Accurate counts. AI-powered drones capture incredibly detailed images, so even the tiniest trees get counted. They can even pick out individual plants in dense clusters, something that satellite images can’t do with precision.
  • Speedy data collection. What once took months can now be done in a fraction of the time. AI systems quickly analyse huge amounts of data, allowing for more request updates. This way, farmers can get monthly tree counts, which can be a game-changer for responding to the changes in the field. 
  • Detailed tree insights. Beyond just counting trees, AI also measures attributes like crown width, height, and overall health. This data is helpful because it lets you spot early signs of disease and prevent a major outbreak. It also allows you to identify blank spots that need replanting to optimize yield production. As a result, you can plan and manage your resources efficiently. 
  • Customization. AI-driven solutions can be customized for plantations of all sizes. This flexibility ensures that, regardless of the scale of your operation, you can benefit from the accuracy of AI technology. 
  • Cost-effective operations. By reducing manual labour, AI helps reduce costs and boost profits. This means having additional funds for other critical areas of business. 
  • Easy integration with existing systems. AI tools integrate smoothly with existing data management systems. You can, for instance, add AI analytics to your crop management system and enhance decision-making. 

Aya Data’s AI-driven tree-counting solution is here to transform plantation management. It aims to facilitate efficiency, accuracy, and profitability, whether you’re managing a sprawling plantation or a medium-sized farm.


How Aya Data Uses AI to Revolutionize Plantation 

A large-scale palm plantation in Ghana struggled with accurate monitoring and real-time data access. Aya Data stepped in with drones equipped with RGB and LiDAR technology to capture high-resolution images. This data was then fed into the crop management dashboard, which provided real-time insights. The result? More efficient plantation management, better decision-making, and increased productivity. 

For a detailed look at how Aya Data transformed the monitoring process of this Ghanaian plantation, read the full case study here


Managing large-scale plantations is no easy feat, especially when it comes to accurate tree counting. This issue is even more acute in regions like Africa, where unpredictable weather and labour shortages exacerbate the problem. 

Aya Data understands these concerns deeply. Therefore, our AI-driven tree counting solution, paired with advanced drone tech, offers a ground-breaking solution for plantation management. 

With precise data, we help you anticipate your needs and optimize resources accordingly. Our goal is to create a future where technology and agriculture work hand in hand to meet the world’s growing demands. 

Schedule your complimentary consultation today and discover how our solutions can transform your farming success.